Moving the main store

Moving the main store

If youre wondering where the Fair Haven mainstore has ended up – or why a purchase has failed lately, then dont wonder any longer.

Due to renovations in Fair Haven, and Linden Labs now suddenly declaring my work to be rated Adult rather than Mature, like the year before, I am finding myself moving to a different spot.
Unfortunately, the server/xstreet magic box have been returned along with the store, so for a few minutes today, purchases will be non-functional. At the time of writing this, I am working on getting them up and running again however.

On the upside, the new store, while being a very temporary setup right now, will – once I have my new vendor system – be fleshed out into a more proper main location, with smaller kiosk vendors showing off individual products. Im also considering holo displays of the latest releases where feasible, and itll generally offer a lot more floor space for various purposes.
Until then, the new main location will be located in MF Industries, and once the preliminary setup is complete, i will distribute a landmark.

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