Upcoming Release Infos!

Upcoming Release Infos!

So, now that the new year has come, and ive been silent for a while, what has actually been going on?

So far, the server move has yet to happen, the biggest issue is finding a day where I have enough time and my vendor tech is available as well. Its still right at the top of my list though, dont worry!

As far as other future projects go, I can now make two definite announcements:

  • I will be shortly releasing the official Sergal bits, male, female and herm versions. Trancy Mick herself has given permission for these, and Ill stick as close to the original design as I can. It will actually entail some custom scripting to make it happen, but I definitely plan to make this awesome!
  • I will release something for the humans out there (and very likely, the furs too, if I can make it happen!) – http://www.wildgasmasks.com has approached me to become their exclusive distributor in SecondLife, and I’m more than happy to visualize their really awesome creations for SL. The first model will be the JG1, which I have decided to offer in all standard variations, along with a few other nifty gimmicks.
  • Lastly, and this is still a bit of a secret, expect something shiny and sleek coming for all those foxes and rubber lovers out there 😀

So that wraps up the quick look at future projects. Stay tuned for more news, and spread the word 😀

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