Sergal & Cobra updates
Whilst the updates themselves are done for a little while now, it wouldn’t do for us to not post some pretty pictures 😀
That said, let’s talk a little about what was changed.
The cobra got away with minor changes, we fitted the parts to the Nova body, as well as updated the body shading with the new, sexy one.
The sergal on the other hand got a more extensive treatment. We repainted a LOT of the minor details, especially around the eyes, added shading, improved things here and there, and reworked the manes as well, making the long one especially a lot more interesting compared to what it was.
Overall they are a lot more on point looking than in their first iteration, and it’s just fun to see how far we come in this relatively short time.
To conclude, let’s talk a little about the future. Slowly, clothing creators are taking interest in our new bodies, and it will be of great help to us if you talk to your favorite creators about support. New clothes will mean more bodies sold, which in turn means more clothing support. Let’s break into that together!
As for the immediate future, we’ll get back into bits making, and we have some deluxe things planned for an all new line of adult parts. Keep an eye on the blog – or our discord – for WIP updates!
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