Cetacean Penis release – today!

Cetacean Penis release – today!

Surprise for all whales and dolphins out there! Tonight at 6pm SLT, come join us at The Ark for a joint release of both ITFE´s Orca avatar and PsiCorp´s release of the Cetacean Penis!

And if you recently obtained one of AXs or Aventity´s shark avatars, and still wondering what set of bits you should pick, the Cetacean is a safe choice for you as well. Why you may ask, sharks arent Cetaceans? Well, shark penises currently are an unlikely candidate for a product line, mostly because of their design. They are integrated into a shark´s dorsal fins, and very unsuitable for a conversion to anthro bits. Im not excluding them for a future release, but right now it wont be anytime soon, unless I have a fitting design 🙂 – Check google if you like to see for yourself how they are designed!

In other news, for those waiting eagerly for the JG1 Gasmask series:
A release is planned for the 13th, I will update as soon as I have a confirmed date and details about the event, so stay tuned!


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Actually, a male shark’s claspers are located near the anal fins. The dorsal fin is on the back of the shark, not underneath (ventral) side.

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Awesome job, keep up the great work~

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