Introducing the Voidbeasts

Introducing the Voidbeasts

What lurks out in the vast depths of space? Friendly, eyeless critters, with big ol’ paws! While they may look intimidating, these eyeless giants (who can also shrink if they want to) are actually curious and gentle. They roam the stars, collecting space junk, usully seeking out items with interesting textures – since they cannot see, their other senses are stronger, including touch, and as a result, they love to find items that are squishy, fluffy, etc.

They were designed by RAPTORDOG and are our latest avatar release! They’ll be available in a dozen color options, each one picked after the zodiac signs and with very unique colorations. They also come with a lot of custom parts this time around, including head, tail, digilegs, spikes, arms and glowy bits! And all of that compatible with the big range of bodies we support, incluing Belleza, Maitreya, Slink and Legacy!

For those who like their critters to be on the large size, we do offer a macro version as always!

We’ll be having the release parties this coming weeked, so only a few short days until you can get your hands on them!

Times and dates as follows:

  • Saturday, December 11th – The Ark at Noon SLT
  • Sunday, December 12th – YIFF at 4pm SLT

As always, we will have our usual raffles and will be there to show off the Voidbeasts, so come party with us!

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