Introducing the new Dragonwolves!

Introducing the new Dragonwolves!

After a few months of relative silence, we’re ready to show our latest Avatar project to the world! This time, we set our sights at the old Dracolupe avatars, a design I always enjoyed, but that was in dire need of a rework. With a new design in mind and bento rigging being a thing, I set out to update these avs and really make them shine.

Feature wise, a lot has been done this time around. The face, wings and tail all use Bento animations now, and I applied what was learned from making the sharks, so now the dragonwolves also feature long, looping facial animations rather than simply static poses. However you can still use those as well and put together your own facial poses!
In addition, both the tail and wings have a nice range of animation options, and of course a nice set of flight animations on said wings.

Also, a lot of work has been put into mesh body compatibility this time, and I’m happy to say that these avs are fully compatible with both Maitreya bodies as well as the entire Belleza body lineup. If I manage to get access to other devkits in the future, this support will be expanded.
And of course our Avatar Core Nova line also is supported by default!
Feet textures have been made fully omega compatible now, so third party feet should hopefully no longer pose any issues either.

If you like variety, you’ll certainly not be disappointed. We matched the entire original lineup of the dracolupe avatars as far as colors go, which means that we offer a total of 50 variations for sale! So there should be a little something for everyone. However if you don’t like the colors or patterns offered, as per usual the PSD files will be available for anyone who purchases one, so you can make and even sell your own skins.

If you purchased one of the originals, you will of course be able to udpate to the new avatar kit for free, so be sure to hit up caspervend once these avatar kits hit the market!

Speaking of hitting the market, we’ll be partying it up this weekend, on the 2nd and 3rd of November, at these times and places:

  • November 2nd at GYC, Noon SL time
  • November 3rd at The Ark, 2pm SL time

As per usual we’ll have a DJ on board putting out some quality tunes, and our usual L$ raffles as well! If you want to snag one of these avatar kits, you’ll be able to pick them up there, as well as on the marketplace once the party begins. Prices for the kits will sit at 800L$ this time around!


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Metaforce Alexei

Yet no any feline sight. Are you all there felihaters?!

    comments user

    I can assure you we aren’t, feline avatars may happen eventually, but aren’t a focus right now.

      comments user
      Metaforce Alexei

      I’ve just seen that in about year there wasn’t even a single sight for feline, even tho bit mostly about scalies like Dragoon or Cobra.

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Since you’ve redone the Dragonwolf AVs, does this mean we’ll be seeing an Animesh version of the Dracanine bits sometime in the near future?

    comments user

    Quite possibly yes, in general I want to get pretty much the entire lineup converted at some point

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I know this is a bit old, but it says those who purchased can get the textures to make their own, I’m just curious how one would go about getting those, as I’d love to tinker with both the Striped Storm Dragonwolf texutes and the Black White wolf avatars I’ve purchased, come up with something unique.

    comments user

    Hiya! You’ll be able to get the textures through the online manual. Simply follow the link in the manual notecard, and then look at the bottom of that page 🙂

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