Dragon avatars – coming this weekend!

It’s been high time for one of our more popular avs throughout the years – the dragons – to receive a much needed update. So that’s just what we did.
My amazingly talented girlfriend supplied the designs for them, whilst I myself worked on the build process, leading to those really cool looking creatures that you’ll be able to call your own this very weekend.
Feature wise, you can expect the usual goodness; bento animations for face and tail, shiny materials, the improved digileg style we pioneered with the tiger avatar, etc. Though there have been a couple of improvements over our last avatar, the tiger.
Most notably, we now have full maitreya support with according appliers, a feature we will bring to other avatars. That aside, we now have proper working claws for our supported third party bodies, again something we will bring to older avatars as we go along.

Further updates include a light-weight HUD that now omits the mesh body funtions (a HUD including those is still provided though), bringing the script impact down significantly. We also improved the standalone head contents and will standardize them across avatars in the future.

All of the existing colors have been updated, as well as the special edition fire and ice drakes, which have been done up in a much different, and improved, style this time around!
Price wise, these kits again will sit at the usual 800L$, or as a free upgrade if you own the previous dragon avatars. Please note that the old “classic” dragon avatars are NOT part of this, they are, and always will be, a stand-alone legacy product.
So where and when can you get them at? We’ll be having two parties again this weekend, at the following times and places:
- Saturday, November 28th, 2pm SLT at Pounce
- Sunday, November 29th, 2pm SLT at The Ark
Be sure to drop by and party it up, and get your hands on those new avatars!
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