Today’s upcoming event & miscellaneous news

Today’s upcoming event & miscellaneous news

After yesterday’s event at GYC went well, I’m happy to report that the snake avatars seem to be quite popular, and feedback has been very well. Thus, I look forward to seeing you all today at 2pm SL time, at YIFF for another, likely bigger party, with a very special raffle.
I will once again distribute a landmark about an hour before the event, so you all have plenty of time to get ready.

Furthermore, I would like to list a few news  pertaining to various things:

  • Kinzart Kreetures released their awesome Alligator avatar yesterday, and PsiCorp is offering a crocodile/alligator penis and herm set to go with it. Comes with matching slit textures courtesy of Sylver Bu herself, as well!
  • Said croc penis had a small glitch with non-working particles. If you are affected by this, simply grab an update from the vendor via the re-delivery button, the issue has been fixed.
  • The incorrect price tag for the snake herm set has been fixed, it was displaying 750 instead of the actual 900L$ tag
  • A small texture issue on the spectacled cobra has been fixed, the right thumb now has the correct texture. Again, use the re-delivery to obtain the new version
  • Some time within the next week, you can expect to find KzK affiliate vendors in the main store, so finally that section will become populated!

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