v5.0 post release information and FAQ
Now that v5.0 is out there and selling, and that both release events are over…
PsiCorp v5 series bits release info!
Yes, time for a full on update once again folks :D - took me…
News update: Survey results, development progress, and closed beta!
So, a lot of ground to cover in this news update, so I best get…
Status report
So as usual, there has been a lot of silence, but I haven't been lazy…
Today’s upcoming event & miscellaneous news
After yesterday's event at GYC went well, I'm happy to report that the snake avatars…
v4 bugfix update released!
As of right now, the v4.0 bugfix update is out. As per usual, use any…
v4 Summary, Known Issues, and a brief look to the future
Now that v4.0 is out there, I've got to say it went remarkably well. All…
Announcing the v4.0 public beta
That´s right folks, v4.0 is right around the corner now. I'm just waiting on a…
Updates to bits, fox progress report
As of today, all PsiCorp bits will come with the updated landmark for the main…